Made from sustainable soy wax, infused with your favourite LORDS scent for subtle scenting. Detail in the notes section which scent you would like when ordering. You'll find this in your cart at checkout. Or email
Made from sustainable soy wax, infused with your favourite LORDS scent for subtle scenting. Detail in the notes section which scent you would like when ordering. You'll find this in your cart at checkout. Or email
Made from sustainable soy wax, infused with your favourite LORDS scent for subtle scenting. Detail in the notes section which scent you would like when ordering. You'll find this in your cart at checkout. Or email
Une recharge pour votre grand spray d'ambiance et linge en verre, ou suffisamment pour 10 recharges de vos mini sprays d'ambiance et linge, dans un flacon en aluminium écologique entièrement recyclable.
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Une recharge pour votre grand spray d'ambiance et linge en verre, ou suffisamment pour 10 recharges de vos mini sprays d'ambiance et linge, dans un flacon en aluminium écologique entièrement recyclable.
Made from sustainable soy wax, infused with your favourite LORDS scent for subtle scenting. Detail in the notes section which scent you would like when ordering. You'll find this in your cart at checkout. Or email
Made from sustainable soy wax, infused with your favourite LORDS scent for subtle scenting. Detail in the notes section which scent you would like when ordering. You'll find this in your cart at checkout. Or email
Made from sustainable soy wax, infused with your favourite LORDS scent for subtle scenting. Detail in the notes section which scent you would like when ordering. You'll find this in your cart at checkout. Or email
Made from sustainable soy wax, infused with your favourite LORDS scent for subtle scenting. Detail in the notes section which scent you would like when ordering. You'll find this in your cart at checkout. Or email
Made from sustainable soy wax, infused with your favourite LORDS scent for subtle scenting. Detail in the notes section which scent you would like when ordering. You'll find this in your cart at checkout. Or email
Made from sustainable soy wax, infused with your favourite LORDS scent for subtle scenting. Detail in the notes section which scent you would like when ordering. You'll find this in your cart at checkout. Or email